Jan 4, 2023Liked by Eleanor Tweddell

Back to pondering what success looks like and what actually constitutes a meaningful goal rather than a goal for the sake of having a goal. Although some days getting out of bed is a very meaningful goal! Cold house vs warm bed/husband/dog .... you can see the problem

Recently read a piece about unrealistic goals which partly confused me (when does a challenge become unrealistic?) and partly annoyed me (the examples given were of other people and it seemed to me that the author was projecting their definitions of unrealistic on to those people, rather than seeking the individual's own assessment. But I may have that wrong.)

I guess the answer to the former is that if you have or know you can get the resources to achieve the goal then it is realistic, regardless of how challenging it may be, but if you can't bring together the necessary resources no matter what, then it is unrealistic.

So a realistic (process) goal for me is continuing to improve my sporting performance by attending to all aspects of training in order to develop my mastery (ie ability to apply training to competition) of my sport, with a focus on the recovery (more important as I get older - and any excuse for a nap!) and psychological aspects (as I have some behaviours consistent with Imposter Syndrome)

An unrealistic (outcome;ego) goal would be to become an Elite Athlete - I do not have the necessary resources. Aspiring to podium places might be achievable but is also outcome driven and depends partly on factors outside my control so that seems unrealistic as well - so control is also important in defining realistic vs unrealistic

Thank you for the prompt - I am not great at journalling but timely external Qs can work really well

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Very thought provoking! Like the link between resources and goals - not sure if I thought of it that way before. I guess motovation also? If you dont have the true motivation (true?) / intention then it's unrealistic. Good ponders, thank you for sharing!

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